
Zipongo Member Manages Type 2 Diabetes with Food

Research shows that the right diet can prevent and even reverse type 2 diabetes. Adopting and sticking to a healthier way of eating helps employees reduce the amount of drugs needed to treat their disease, which lowers costs for both them and their employers.

Theresa, a Zipongo member, has realized the benefit of food to treat her type 2 diabetes. She has lost more than 60 pounds! She has also reduced her blood sugar level as measured by hemoglobin A1c from 7.6% (diabetic) to 5.1% (any level below 5.7 is considered normal).

With Zipongo, she found recipes she loved, grocery lists that kept her on track when she shopped, and articles that helped her learn how to cook and eat differently.

Most importantly, she feels better. Her knees hurt less, and she’s ecstatic about being out in the world more. “My advice to those that are looking for a fun, intuitive, and very accessible app to use, I would say go the Zipongo way,” Theresa told us. “You may not be looking to lose weight, maybe you just want some different ideas of what to cook. Zipongo is it.”

Zipongo is a digital nutrition platform that makes it simple to promote healthy eating habits. Learn more about how Zipongo works, or request a demo to see the platform in action.

Video Transcript

When I was in college, high school, being skinny was the thing. As I got older, my knees, they were starting to give me problems. I just didn’t exercise. I became overweight. I was diagnosed as being diabetic.

My current employer, they have a program called Zipongo. It not only helps me in preparing special meals, daily meals. It also helps me in my grocery shopping. I have exactly what I need, no more, no less. I have lost 60 pounds, and I have gone down two dress sizes. I feel better. I have more energy. I get out more. My husband tells me I look good, so that’s the important thing. Eating better and feeling better has helped me overall.

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