
Put Your Best Fork Forward with Good Old-Fashioned Home Cooking

Vegetable salad with smoked salmon eating by fork

Happy National Nutrition Month!

Betcha didn’t know we had one of those, did you? This year the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics theme is to Put Your Best Fork Forward. It’s a reminder that small but consistent changes to your eating habits can lead to large returns on your health. Each bite counts.

There is no doubt that good nutrition plays a critical role in preventing many of the chronic diseases that we suffer from as a country and as a global community. In our humble opinion, cooking is one of the best ways to put your best fork forward.

But, what does cooking have to do with good nutrition? Learning to cook and doing so more often helps you put a simple, balanced meal (that’s properly portioned) on the dinner table. We also believe cooking encourages you to savor your meals…after all, if you put a lot time, love and energy into baking a chocolate chip cookie, you’ll probably be less inclined to wolf it down so quickly!

For the rest of this month, and for the rest of 2017, we challenge you to eat at least one home-cooked meal daily.

If you need recipe ideas, we’ve got your back. The Zipongo recipe database is full of healthy recipes to help you put your best fork (or spatula, knife and skillet) forward! View recipes from these popular categories, right on the Zipongo Mobile App!

  • Check 30 Minutes or Less for tasty mains that work during busy weeknights, including kebabs, seared steak and poached fish.
  • Check Comfort Foods for popular dishes you crave, including warm soups, cheesy pasta and oven-fried chicken.
  • Check I Can Barely Cook for easy meals with minimal prep work, such as salads, wraps and sautes.

We’ve learned a lot about why cooking matters. Here are a 10 perks for cooking at home:

  • You always know what’s in your food.
  • You can create meals around your favorite ingredients.
  • You learn a valuable life skill.
  • You save money from not eating at restaurants and buying ingredients in bulk.
  • You make memories with loved ones.
  • You set a good example for your kids.
  • You’ll learn that healthy eating doesn’t break the bank.
  • You appreciate higher-quality foods.
  • You connect to your own or someone else’s heritage.
  • You reclaim power over your own health.

Are you a big cooking fanatic? If so, we’d love to hear how cooking has affected your life in the comments below.


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